Dehydration is caused by the excessive loss of fluids. The condition must be treated by thereplacement of fluids. It can result from a dog being kept in hot conditions for too long or fromillness. Vomiting and diarrhea or a high fever will all cause dehydration.When a dog becomes dehydrating the electrolytes in the dog's bodily fluids get out of balance.The electrolytes are mineral salts such as sodium, potassium and chloride. This can result indamage to organs such as the kidneys and liver. Ultimately this can prove fatal.Dogs do not have sweat glands like humans so they cool themselves by panting. This can leadto dehydrations just like excessive sweating can lead to dehydration in humans.A dog must always have access to clean, fresh water. Keep a bowl of water accessible to thedog at all times in the house, yard and dog pen. If you use a dog pen in the house make surethere is water available there too. Change the water in all the dog's bowls at least every day.Never let the dog become overheated. Do not let it stay out in the yard in hot weather unless ithas shade. But it is better to bring it indoors especially if you live in a warm climate. Dogs with aheavy coat are very prone to overheating. It may be best to have them clipped for summer.Dogs should not be left in cars. Even with the window open slightly a car can quickly overheat.This can happen even in winter because the car acts like a greenhouse. So if you need to leavethe dog, when you go into a store say, tether it somewhere shady. Encourage local stores tohave a dog tethering spot at which water is available.When you take your dog for a walk and especially if you take it jogging with you make sure ithas access to water. Many dogs will happily lap water poured from your own water bottle. Youcan pour some into your hands if the dog can't drink from a jet of water. It's a good idea to keepsome water and a bowl in the car.Dried food is best for a dog's dental health but always make sure it has plenty of water too. Ifyour dog is drinking from the toilet bowl this is not a good idea because there can be unpleasantchemical cleaners used in the bathroom. Give the door more water in its own bowl.If your dog becomes seriously dehydrated you will notice that is nose is dry, its eyes looksunken and its skin lacks elasticity. A good test is to press the gums and if the color comes backquickly after you release the pressure then the dog is hydrated. But if the color comes back onlyslowly then the dog may be dehydrated.A seriously dehydrated dog should only be allowed to drink water in small amounts slowly. Toomuch water all at once and it will vomit which will only add to the problem.The same electrolyte solutions that are used for children can be used for dogs and puppies.This can be useful in cases where the cause of dehydration is illness.If there is no obvious cause of the dehydration such as heat and exertion or a known illness forwhich the dog is already undergoing treatment than consult your veterinarian.
Choosing A Toy Dog
By AdySnake
A toy dog has the huge advantage that it is small. This often makes it an ideal dog for urbanliving or for older people with limited mobility. A toy dog does not need long walks. It will not takeover a small apartment. A toy dog fits into the modern lifestyle of many people today.There are a huge variety of toy dogs. They all have different characteristics just as larger breedsof dog do. It is important to get to know the what each kind of toy dog is like before you makeyour choice. Toy dogs are not all alike.It is thought that the breeding of toy dogs first began in Asia but varieties of toy dog can now befound from every part of the globe. They were bred for a variety of purposes. That stillinfluences the characteristics of the breed and will affect which one is right for you.Perhaps the most well known type of toy dog is the poodle. When any one mentions a toy dogthis is the kind of dog that most people think of. Toy poodles were bred from larger dogs thatwere used for hunting. Even the smaller toy poodles retain some of the characteristics of thelarger hunting dogs. They are bold, intelligent dogs that can be readily trained. But they can behighly strung and are not necessarily suitable for household with young children.Somewhat similar in appearance is the Bichon Frisbee. They tend to look like an unclipped toypoodle. But their temperament is somewhat different. They are a boisterous small dog thatinteracts well with children. They are said to have been bred as lap dogs in pre-revolutionaryFrance but after the revolution they had to get by on the streets and did not very successfully.They are a street-wise lap dog. They will chase every rabbit and squirrel they see.The Chihuahua comes originally from Mexico where it was bred as a source of meat. They havenow become a favorite toy dog. Their fine, smooth coat means that they do not need a lot ofgrooming. They do not tolerate children well and can be snappish. But they are often loyal anddevoted to their owners.The Maltese is a toy dog that was bred as a lap dog for the wealthy. It is still popular in that roleand is a fashionable lap dog that models and film stars like to carry in their oversize handbags.It is not good with children however and tends to bark at strangers.The Pekingese was once one of the most sought after toy dogs because they were so rare.Only a few had been imported from China. They are now well known in the West. They can bedifficult to train but mellow with the years. They are seldom tolerant of children or other animals.Their coat requires a lot of attention since their ears can easily become matted and infectionmay result. Their short noses can become a problem. They always snuffle but can sometimesbecome badly blocked. They make good guard dogs and can therefore be a good dog for anelderly and infirm person since they do not need a lot of exercise.Pugs have recently become very popular having been seen accompanying various fashionablestarlets. The look like tiny bull dogs with their hanging folds of skin. They can have similar nasalproblems to those of Pekingese because of their small nasal passages. But they make excellentpets. They do not need a lot of exercise. They are usually placid and will happily play withchildren. They are seldom aggressive with other pets. They are intelligent dogs that respondwell to training.
Understanding Your Dog's Anal Gland
By AdySnake
All dogs have anal glands. They are located on either side of the anus. Behind the anal gland isa sac that secretes a strongly smelling substance. The dog uses is anal glands to mark itsterritory every time it excretes.The scent that the dog deposits conveys information about the sex of the dog and its health.This is important for other dogs since they are territorial animals. That is why dogs smell oneanother's anal glands and deposits of feces. They are checking for a male competitor or afemale on heat.When they function well a dog's anal glands are no problem. But they can become blocked andthat can lead to problems. A responsible dog owner should now how to express their dog's analglands to move the blockage and prevent problems.You may notice your dog dragging its rear end across the grass. This means that they are itchyand can be a symptom of blocked anal glands.If you do not know how to express the dog's anal glands then consult your veterinarian who willdo it for you. It is a good idea to take the opportunity of learning to do this yourself because itwill save future vet's bills and is comparatively easy.What you need to do is to hold the dog's tail up pointing towards its head. Then take a papertowel and press the left side of the left gland with your thumb and your forefinger on the rightside of the right gland. Squeeze firmly and gently. The glands should issue a brownish yellowsubstance.If the glands have become seriously impacted the method described above may not work. Youwill then need to put on some surgical gloves. Lubricate them with KY jelly and remove theblockage manually.You must insert your forefinger into the dog's rectum and squeeze each gland in turn. This mayprove harder than simple expression and the substance that comes out will be darker in colorand foul smelling.If your dog's anal glands become impacted they can get infected. You will notice bloody puswhen you try to express them. In that case you need to treat the dog with antibiotics. It is betterto keep the anal glands clear then you will avoid that scenario altogether.Expressing your dog's anal glands may seem an unpleasant chore but it is important inmaintaining your dog's general health. The itching that results from a blocked anal gland can bevery uncomfortable for the dog. If the blockage gives rise to an infection that can have importanthealth implications.Infections can generally be treated easily with antibiotics but it is best to avoid antibiotics ifpossible. The overuse of antibiotics is leading to many resistant strains of bacteria. Antibioticsshould be used only when necessary.A simple expression of the anal glands will prevent complications and save you some heavyveterinary bills in the future. It is the work of a few minutes once you know how.
How To Select Your New Dog
By AdySnake
The dog that is right for you is not the same as the dog that is right for someone else. Beforeyou chose a dog consider what your needs really are.Perhaps you are looking for a family dog. The children have been pestering you for a dog andfinally you have decided that you will get one. Under these circumstances you should consider apuppy because a puppy will adapt to your children. It will grow up with them. As far as the dog isconcerned they are slightly larger puppies.But chose the breed carefully. Some dogs may be too dominant to live happily with children.Make sure you see the puppy's parents. If they have a calm temperament then the puppyprobably will too.If possible see the whole litter of puppies with their mother. Puppies should not be taken awayfrom their mother too soon. If a puppy is deprived of its mother too soon it will not be stable in itsbehavior.The puppy that hangs back shyly is always appealing. But it may not be the best one to chose.It is usually the runt of the litter. If you have a quiet home then it may be a good dog for you.Such a puppy may thrive when it is the centre of attention and has constant reassurance. In afamily with children a shy puppy may feel overwhelmed and develop neurotic behavior.The puppy that comes running to meet you confidently is the one for you if you have children.Watch the mother's reaction. She should be watchful of her puppies but will greet you with awag of her tail. Her calmness will have communicated itself to her puppies.A puppy's eyes should be bright and clear and not runny. Its nose should be wet and cold.Check for any signs of loose bowel action.It may be that a puppy is not the best choice for you. Maybe you don't want to go through thehassle of toilet training, broken nights and chewed shoes. Perhaps an older dog would be abetter choice.Older dogs can be particularly good for older people. Even pedigree breeds can be found inrescue centers. But cross breeds can make excellent pets. They seem to share the bestcharacteristics of both their parents. What is more you will have the benefit of knowing that youare doing a good deed by giving a home to an abandoned animal.Rescue centers often have puppies but they have many adult dogs that need good homes.They can also offer the new dog owner good advice on pet care. Their dogs are usuallyvaccinated against common canine diseases and spayed or neutered.When choosing an adult dog the temperament and size of the animal are important factors toconsider. A lovely natured dog that is too large will be no use to you if you live in an apartment.An overly assertive dog will be a constant problem if you are a shy retiring person. A dog thatmight make a wonderful security dog would be unsuitable for a family pet.So take your time and find the dog that matches your personality and needs.
How To Prepare Your Home For A New Puppy
By AdySnake
If you've never owned a puppy before or have not owned one for a long time than introducing apuppy into your home can be a bit of shock to your established routine. A small puppy is a livelyand curious small mammal that is learning all the time. It can get into scrapes that an older andmore experienced dog would avoid. You have to puppy-proof your home just as you wouldtoddler-proof it.The first thing to be aware of is that puppies chew things. In fact puppies chew anything andeverything. They will chew your shoes, clothing, carpets, telephone cables and electric wires,their basket or whatever else you can think of.If you have things that are too valuable to risk getting chewed then make sure they are kept outof the puppy's way. Make sure the kids do the same. Fix wires and any loose edges of carpetsdown carefully so they are not tempting. If you have expensive rugs then roll them up and putthem in a room that is closed to the puppy.Get the puppy a dog bed. Plastic is the best kind because it can be washed and is economical.Traditional wicker baskets look nice but will quickly reduced to a ruins by a chewing puppy. Linethe bed with washable bedding. This will all get chewed but it can be replaced.Make sure that you puppy cannot get into any cupboards and utility rooms where householdchemicals are stored. Child safety locks can be fitted to kitchen cupboards.Outside the house make sure that the puppy is not exposed to any chemicals that might beused on the lawn, plants or path. Keep the puppy away from treated areas. This applies tonewly chipped bark mulch. This can be harmful to dogs.Make sure you have a suitable puppy harness and leash for your puppy. A harness is oftenbetter for a puppy in the first weeks than a conventional collar. It gives you something to grabhold of if the puppy makes a run for it and it is more comfortable for puppy. Get your puppy usedto a collar gradually.You new puppy will need several short walks every day. It does not need long walks. Somebreeds of dog have joints that are particularly susceptible to damage and they should not walktoo far when they are young. The main purpose of the walks at this stage is to accustom thepuppy to going to the toilet outside. Always go equipped with a pooper scoop so that you canclean up afterwards. Dog feces can transmit worms that are harmful to children.Inside the house you may consider getting a puppy pen. This is somewhat like a plan pen forpuppies. It will help keep the puppy out of danger when you are cooking or doing otherhousehold tasks. It also offers the puppy a quiet place to rest away from the hurly burly of familylife.
The Many Sizes Of Poodles
By AdySnake
Poodles are an enormously popular breed of dog and rightly so. They have enormousadvantages as a pet.The poodle is an intelligent animal that enjoys the company of human beings and adapts well tourban life. Perhaps its main advantage for the modern pet owner is that it comes in a wide rangeof sizes. A toy poodle can be the ideal for an apartment dweller who needs a small dog.As a result the poodle has become the archetypical lap dog. But in fact the poodle is an ancientworking dog. Records suggest that it many have been first bred in Ancient Egypt where it wasused as a herd dog and hunting dog.Images survive from Egypt which show poodles participating in drag net hunting, retrieving birdsfor hunters and herding cattle. The Ancient Egyptians may even have begun to breed differentsizes of poodle. So the great variety of poodle sizes may go back a long way in history.Small poodles are not necessarily a recent innovation. That may be why the keep so much ofthe character of the larger dogs. They are brave, bright animals that are learn quickly, butquickly get bored. This is still the profile of working animal rather than a lap dog.The American Kennel Club (AKC) recognizes three sizes of poodle: the standard, the miniatureand the toy. The types are determined by the dog's shoulder height. A standard poodle shouldbe more than fifteen inches high at the shoulder. Miniature poodles must be less than 15 inchesbut more than ten inches at the shoulder. Toy poodles should be under ten inches high at theshoulder.Some breeders have recently begun to offer what they call teacup poodles. These grow toabout eight inches in height. They are not yet recognized by the AKC but they are proving to bevery popular with dog owners. They are much sought after and command high prices. They suitthe modern trend for very small dogs. Dogs of this size can be easily carried about town. Theyhave become something of a fashion statement.Many people are attracted to poodles in the first place because they are a nonshedding dog.That is to say they do not leave hairs all over the house. They shed some hairs but not as muchas other breeds of dog. This is an advantage to allergy sufferers in particular. It can also beadvantage if a dog owner does not want the hassle of constant cleaning of carpets andupholstery.Poodles also appeal to many people because their coats can be clipped into a variety ofattractive forms. All Sizes of poodle can be clipped in the same way. Poodles were first clippedin this way when they were used as gun dogs that would leap into the water after ducks that hadbeen shot by hunters.There are various styles of clip. Some are suitable for the show dog and require a lot ofmaintenance. Others are suitable for the general pet owner and are more practical.
Non-Shedding Dog Breeds
By AdySnake
All dogs shed their coats just like humans shed their hair but some dogs shed less hair thanothers. If you find dog hair on the carpet is a nuisance or you have an allergy then one of thebreeds of dog that are regarded as non shedding may be the one for you.There are a number to choose from. One of the best known and most popular is the poodle.They come in a number of sizes but they all the same breed. The full-sized poodle is amagnificent animal especially when their coat is cut in the traditional style. They were originallybred as hunting dogs. Their curly coat was an advantage when they went into the water. Theyare bold, courageous animals at their best. They like lots of exercise and should beprofessionally clipped. If you dislike the pom pom style of poosle clipping then you can let thecoat grow naturally. But it is still best to clip them around the eyes or they can get infected. Theircoat will also need clipping in warm summer weather because it can become uncomfortable hot.The smaller poodles may be better if you have limited space. The large ones need lots ofexercise. A toy or miniature poodle is an ideal house dog. Their coats can be clipped in thesame as way as the large poodles. All poodles get excited by noise and commotion. They canbe highly strung around children especially if they have not become accustomed to them froman early age.Another good option for a non shedding dog is the cockapoo. This is a cross between theAmerican spaniel and the poodle. They are usually good with children and are very playful andloyal. But they need a lot of grooming. This is an intelligent, small dog that makes a good familypet. It does not need as much exercise as a large dog.The Italian greyhound is a good choice for anyone who wants a non shedding dog. They are asmall version of the racing greyhound and very elegant. They have a gentle nature but tend tobe timid. They prefer a quiet household with no children. Since their coat is sleek they requirevery little grooming. Despite their athletic build they do not need as much exercise as somedogs.A more rambunctious choice for a lively family dog might be the Airedale terrier. These dogshave a short, wiry coat. They are extremely active dogs that love to play with children so long asthe children have been taught to treat them with respect. They are very loyal and will defendtheir families to the death. While they respond to training they are very self-willed and need firmdiscipline. Like all terriers they are highly intelligent which makes them great pets in theappropriate context.
Lesser-Known Dog Breeds
By AdySnake
Dogs come in many shapes and sizes. They are one of the varied species on the planet. Allthese different kinds of dog originated from the wolf. It is almost impossible to believe it but thePekinese is more closely related to the wolf than is the German Shepherd.This great variety of dogs results from selective breeding over millennia. For centuries humanbeings have been choosing those characteristics in dogs that they found desirable for somereason. Dogs have been selected for their small size so that they fit down badger hole or makelap dogs. They have been selected for their large size so that they can act as guard dogs andshepherd dogs. They have been selected for thick coats in cold climates or to be almosthairless.The dog is one of the oldest of domesticated animals and over the many centuries that theyhave lived and worked with humans they have played many roles. Consequently, there areinnumerable breeds of dog. They have been bred to meet the requirements of differentoccupations and to meet the aesthetic standards of different societies.Often toy breeds have been developed from working dogs. The Affenpinscher is an example ofthis. It is a toy version of the pinscher and schnauzer family. It makes a good family pet becauseof its affectionate nature. This is a highly intelligent dog that is highly trainable. The coat is wiryand usually dark in color.The Anatolian Shepherd is less well known than the familiar German Shepherd. But its strongbuild and courageous nature makes it an ideal security or hunting dog.The Basenji or African Hunting Dog is a silent dog. It has been bred to have no bark so that itdoes not disturb game. It is not a particularly affectionate animal but will become accustomed topeople if handled from an early age.A very different kind of dog is the Bouvier des Flandres. This dog was bred as a herd dog inFrance. It looks somewhat like a terrier. But it has a placed nature. The coat is rough andusually dark in color. They are often used in police work or as a guide dog for the visuallyimpaired. They are intelligent and respond well to training.The Ovtcharka from Central Asia is a large dog that has been used for herding. It has a fearlessnature and is very brave. They usually have their ears and tails docked when they are puppies.From Poland comes the Owczarek Nizinny which is a medium sized dog. Its coat is long andoften covers its eyes. They make excellent pets but hate to be left alone for long as they arevery social.
How To Control Incessant Dog Barking
By AdySnake
Dogs bark because it is one of their primary means of communication. They are social animalsthat have evolved to live in packs. But barking is only one means by which they communicate toone another not the only one. It is an extreme signal that expresses joy or fear. If a dog isbarking incessantly then something is wrong. It is not natural for a dog to bark all the time.A dog owner has to think like a dog to control incessant barking. You have to work out whatyour dog is trying to tell you. It may be your dog is barking because you have not heard hisother signals. It is the equivalent of shouting to make yourself heard.Perhaps your dog is lonely. A dog that is left alone all day will bark to attract attention. A dogneeds its pack and for a domestic dog that is you. If you have to be out at work or school thenconsider finding a dog walker.It is possible that a dog is not a suitable pet for you if you need to spend long periods out of thehouse. A cat or a lizard might be better for your needs. Dogs are intensely social. They getanxious when they alone.If the dog barks incessantly when you are there it is asking for your attention. That may be for agood reason. It may want to go outside to attend to a call of nature. It may even be warning youabout something. Dogs have woken their owners and saved them from burning houses. Yourhouse may not be burning down but the dog may sense something in your behavior that is notquite right. Helper dogs are trained to earn epilepsy suffers when an attack is imminent. Theyare highly sensitive to changes that you may not notice. A dog will often respond to depressionin a family member. A dog can be like the canary in the mine it can detect psychological andsocial tensions in the household.If there is no obvious reason for the dog to bark incessantly then it may be possible to train it notto bark so much. Training collars are often helpful in this respect as they are in other forms ofbehavior. A collar that delivers a small electric shock when a dog barks may be enough toprevent excessive barking. There are also collars that deliver a burst of citronella when a dogbarks. Either can be useful. Long haired dogs may not feel the sting of an electric shock andshort haired or small dogs might find it too sharp. Be guided by your veterinarian in this matter.Perhaps the best form of training is your attention. A kind word or look from you is the dog's bestreward. When your dog engages in inappropriate behavior stand still and do not respond. Say"No" firmly when he barks but do not make any other response. Sometimes dogs bark becausethey have learnt that it gets them attention.
Hollywood Dogs
By AdySnake
From Rin Tin Tin and Old Yeller to Frazier's Eddie, dogs occupy a special place in Americanmovie and television history. Their breeding and training is a multi-million dollar industry in itsown right. Getting the right dog for the part can make the difference between a film or showsucceeding or being a disastrously expensive flop. Rin Tin Tin is credited with single handedly,or four-pawedly, saving Warner Brothers Studios from bankruptcy. Dogs are as important asany human stars to the Hollywood machine in that respect and they are treated accordingly.A dog on the screen will instantly focus the attention of viewers. Almost anyone can empathizewith a dog. A dull film can be enlivened, poor acting can be eclipsed by canine appeal, and abad script has no effect on a dog that just does what comes naturally.The kind of roles that dogs have played in Hollywood films and American television expresssomething of the place of the dog in popular imagination. In the early films that featured dogsthe scene is always a rural one. These films are almost an off-shoot of the Western movie andcontain many of the same themes.Dogs like Rin Tin Tin, Old Yeller and Lassie express what philosophers and theologians haveoften regarded as the permanent things of human morality. They embody the virtues of loyalty,devotion, love, justice, bravery and self-sacrifice which are so often absent in modern society.They seem to take the viewer back to simpler time when these values were upheld.A more knowing audience raised on horror films and choreographed violence was thought to beimmune to the charms of the "dog movie." When Joe Camp pitched the idea of a film with a dogas the main character the studios dismissed his idea. It would never work they told him. Today'saudiences just would not buy it.So instead he made his film "Benjii" himself. It was a reshaping of the old theme with an edgier,urban dog who is rescued from an animal shelter. This lovable cross breed spoke to the issuesof a more troubles society. The film became huge success. Benjii went on to stardom and thebackers reaped a fortune out of merchandising "Benjii" toys.With Eddie the canine character in the television show "Frazier" we see another take on themovie dog. Frazier the sophisticated psychiatrist is brought back to the old verities of home andfamily loyalty by the little terrier. The dog acts a foil silently critiquing the behavior of the urbaneintellectual. His pomposities are punctured and his humanity is revealed in his relationship withthe dog.Doubtless the "dog movie" will morph into to further manifestations of the genre in the future.Hollywood knows when it is on to a money spinner.
Hip Dysplasia In Dogs
By AdySnake
Hip dysplasia is a painful and debilitating condition in dogs that can sometimes result in theanimal becoming completely crippled. There is no cure for it.The best thing a dog owner can do is to choose a pet carefully. Hip Dysplasia is a geneticcondition. That is to say it is passed on from the parents to the offspring. In some cases it canbe the result of injury to a dog's hips while it is a puppy or while it is being born. But this is acomparatively rare cause.While there may be some genetic component in most diseases hip dysplasia is in effect 100%genetic. You must therefore make sure that you examine the parents dogs when you buy apuppy. If they have sound hips the puppy is less likely to suffer from hip dysplasia. Question thevendors carefully about the pedigree of the puppy. Ask if there is any history of hip dysplasia inthe family line.Responsible breeders will have breeding dogs x-rayed to check for any sign of hip dysplasia.They should not breed from a dog that shows any signs of hip dysplasia. A dog may not exhibitany outward symptoms but have a tendency to hip dysplasia that only manifests itself in itsoffspring. A dog that shows signs of hip dysplasia should be neutered or spayed to make surethat it does not pass on the trait.Some breeds of dog seem more prone to hip dysplasia then others. German Shepherds, inparticular, often suffer from it. This may be because they have been bred for a stance thatplaces the back hip at an unnatural angle.Hip dysplasia may not show up in a puppy. It often only develops as the dog matures. This isbecause the back hips are misaligned and malformed. The joint is loose and that may lead todifficulty in walking and running or discomfort and pain.Wear and tear on the joints gradually produces dislocation and damage. A hip joint that isdamaged in this way can become arthritic. An owner may not know about the hip dysplasia andthink that the dog has developed arthritis as it got older. But the root cause of the arthritis is thedamage that the weak joint has suffered during the dog's lifetime. Large dogs are especiallysusceptible because of the weight that their joints must carry.Your veterinarian cannot offer any treatment for the dysplasia but will be able to prescribe painkillers. In bad cases the dog will have pain when walking and running. Its mobility may becomelimited. This can be a contributory factor in other health conditions because the dog cannot takenormal exercise. Swimming may be one means of maintaining mobility and ensuring that thedog can exercise. The dog's weight is taken by the water and it experiences less pain.In extreme cases the dog's hindquarters may become completely immobile. The dog will have avery poor quality of life and chronic pain.
Hepatitis In Dogs
By AdySnake
Hepatitis is a serious illness in dogs for which there is no cure. It is therefore important toimmunize the dog while it is still a puppy. Immunization is very safe and effective. A series ofvaccinations are need to ensure immunity. Make sure that your dog completes the whole courseof vaccinations to ensure complete immunity.Widespread vaccination has considerably reduced the prevalence of hepatitis in WesternEurope and North America. But it is important to get you puppy immunized all the samebecause unless a high proportion of dog owners do so the disease will make a come back.Vaccination is the responsible action on the part of a dog owner who is concerned about animalwelfare.Hepatitis in dogs is caused by the virus CAV-1. This virus is unique to dogs and does not causeinfection in humans. An infected dog cannot transmit the hepatitis to you or your children.Human hepatitis is caused by a different virus.CAV-1, like other hepatitis viruses first establishes itself in the lymph nodes from where itreplicates and spreads to the bloodstream. It causes damage to major organs including theliver, kidneys and eyes.In a puppy or young dog hepatitis can be fatal. In an older dog it is unlikely to be fatal but canproduce extreme discomfort and pain. Some dogs may show little sign of infection.Once a dog is infected with CAV-1 there is no treatment or cure. That is why early vaccination isvital to prevent hepatitis in your dog.In some cases hepatitis is not caused by CAV-1. This is known as idiopathic or periportalhepatitis. The cause of this type of hepatitis in dogs is not known. It is usually seen in dogs thatare five or six years old.The symptoms of both types of hepatitis are similar. They include weight loss, jaundice,vomiting, diarrhea, depression and weakness. There is no specific treatment but yourHow To Take Care Of Your Dog’s Health© Wings Of Success Page 55 of 79veterinarian will attempt to alleviate the dog's symptoms. Antibiotics may be used to preventsecondary opportunistic infections.All that you and your veterinarian can do is to try and keep the dog as comfortable as possible.You simply have to wait until the dog recovers from the disease. Adult dogs will usually survive,but in puppies hepatitis can be fatal.Some breeds are more likely to suffer from hepatitis than others. Doberman Pinchers and sometypes of terrier are most susceptible. They may develop chronic hepatitis and suffer from thedisease all their lives. No one knows the reason for this.
Heartworms In Dogs – What They Are & What To Do
By AdySnake
As their name suggests heart worms live in the heart of a dog where they can do a lot ofdamage. It is important for a dog owner to be aware of the dangers of the parasitic heart worm.A responsible dog owner must be alert to the risk of a heart worm infestation and takepreventive measures. If an infection is suspected you must seek treatment from yourveterinarian.Heart worms are also known by the Latin name of "Dirofilaria immitis." They normally live in theright ventricle of the heart where they float freely near the blood vessels. They are transmittedby mosquitoes that pass them from dog to dog in their saliva when they bite an animal. So evenyour dog does not come into contact with other dogs it is at risk. Cats are also prone to them.An infestation of heart worms goes through four stages. The treatment prescribed by aveterinarian will depend on what stage the dog has reached.In the first stage a dog that has been infected with heart worms by a mosquito bite will not showany signs of infection. The heart worms will not even show up in a blood test. This is whyprevention is important. Speak to you veterinarian about heart worm prevention when your dogis still a puppy. A dog that is older than seven months can have an adverse reaction totreatment. So tackle the issue before it reaches that age.The worms have to mature and make their way to the heart before they can be spotted by anytests. This is the second stage of the disease. By then the signs of a heart worm infestation canbe detected by x-ray. The heart worms damage the blood vessels around the dog's heart andlungs and this can be picked up on an x-ray. The dog may also be short of breath and coughing.The rate at which damage takes place depends on the number of worms. But it is rare for a dogto be infected by only one worm. A heavy infestation will rapidly cause a blockage of blood flow.This is the third stage. The dog may be showing signs of weight loss. Tests may reveal liver andkidney damage. This is the third stage of the disease.As the blockage to the blood flow becomes more severe the dog may exhibit symptoms such aspain, shortness of breath, lethargy and hypertension. The dog may even faint. A heart attack ispossible.In the fourth and most serious stage the dog experiences what is known as Vena CavaSyndrome. The dog is in a state of shock and dying. The only possible intervention at thisadvanced stage is surgery to physically remove the worms. Success is by no meansguaranteed.
Famous Cartoon Dogs
By AdySnake
The American love of dogs is expressed nowhere better than in the cartoons. Since cartoonswere first drawn dogs have featured in them. Dogs in the cartoons express something veryfundamental about the popular American psyche.Long before films made cartoons universal dogs appeared in the cartoon strips that newspapersran. That is where the cartoon dog first began to develop its characteristic traits and become aniconic figure.Little Orphan Annie had her faithful dog Sandy. The cartoonist Harold Gray used Sandy as aside kick for his feisty female lead character. Whether she was fighting Nazis or investigatinghaunted houses Sandy was never far away. Every strip ended with Sandy's trade market "Arf!"Sandy never had much to say. He could not be said to have been a fully delineated character.That was never the case with the Snoopy. Snoopy is a more recent addition to the cartoon striphall of fame. He is Charlie Brown's dog in Schulz's "Peanuts" cartoon strip. He first appeared inthe syndicated strip in 1950. He has since made the transition to television and big screen.Snoopy always dominated the "Peanuts" cartoons and seemed to lead a much richerimaginative life than the children who were supposed to be the main characters of the cartoon.The little beagle could invariably be found on top of his kennel writing his novel. When not doingthat he was dressed as a World War I fighter ace fighting the Red Baron. Unusually for a dog,even in the cartoons, he owned an original Van Gogh and a Van Wyeth. The Van Gogh wassadly destroyed by fire in one episode.A completely different take on the dog character in cartoons is Odie in the Garfield comics. Odienever had anything to say. All he did was to slobber. The intellectual part of the partnership wasGarfield the cat. Even that sometimes abusive relationship between the cartoon cat and dogreflects something of the conflicted relationship that is often seen between family pets. At adeeper level perhaps the cartoon also has something to say about sibling rivalry.Today's leading cartoon dog has to be Santa's Little Helper who appears in the Simpsons. He isprincipally Bart's dog and their relationship encapsulates the special place that is accorded tothe child/dog pairing in American popular culture. There is an innocence of sentiment in thebond between the boy and the dog that captures the way in which childhood is envisaged in theUSA. For the city kid of the late 20th and early 21st century that is a condition that is all toooften unattainable but the cartoon image of the dog maintains the myth.
Dental Care For Dogs
By AdySnake
Not many people understand the importance of dental care in maintaining the general healthand well being of dogs. Just like humans dogs need regular dental care. It is the responsibility ofowners to make sure that they get it. A responsible dog owner takes care of their dog's teeth.Food residue can accumulate on your dog's teeth just as it does on your own teeth. It quicklyleads to tartar and plaque build up causing tooth decay and gum disease. All the things youknow about dental care in humans applies to your dog too.If you neglect your dog's dental care it can lead to pain for the dog. The pain will stop themeating and their health will suffer as a result. An even more serious result of tooth decay arediseases and ulcerated gums that can cause blood poisoning if left untreated.Even if you avoid giving your dog sweet treats they are at risk of dental decay. So it is importantto pay attention to dental hygiene when caring for your dog. Dental care is vital to maintainingyour dog's health.Brushing is essential. A small soft brush is best. You can get a specially designed canine brushfrom your veterinarian or dog food supplier.Remember that a dog's sense of smell and taste is far more acute than ours so don't usetoothpaste that is intended for human beings. It is too strongly flavored and would distress adog. Canine toothpaste usually has a meaty flavor that your dog will like.Begin your dental care regime when your dog is a puppy. They get used to having their teethbrushed and regard it as part of their regular grooming routine. Start with small sessions at first.You must build up your dog's trust in order to let you clean their teeth.Your choice of food is also important. Dog's need to crunch and chew their food. In the wild theyare used to crunching bones. It is important to allow then to have a bone or chew toys. It is avaluable part of your dog's dental care.Dry food and biscuits are better than canned dog meat for dental care. They help to keep theteeth clean and do not build up on the teeth allowing bacteria to multiply. Some biscuits arespecially designed for cleaning a dog's teeth. These make a good treat for good behavior. Youwill know that you have taken care of your dog's dental health and your dog will feel rewarded.If your dog has dental problems you will get a face full of bad breath every time he greets you.Eventually you will get a massive bill from your veterinarian. Dog dentistry is seriouslyexpensive. What is more it is dangerous because it needs an anesthetic. So avoid it if you canbe paying attention to your dog's dental care.
The Combination Approach To Feeding
By AdySnake
You can feed your Golden Retriever high-quality commercial food, but the best way to provide anutritious healthy diet is to combine both commercial food for dogs with fresh food for people.Whether dry or canned, most commercial dog food lacks the nutrients, vitamins, and mineralsthat come with fresh food. Vets agree that fresh food is good for your dog, providing practiceuse moderation. Golden Retrievers love fresh food. They can smell it a mile away, and if itsmells good, they'll eat it!Commercial dog foods are good sources of protein and vitamins, but fresh food contains moreessential nutrients and a more varied diet. For example, fresh chicken and beef provide moreprotein and minerals than any commercial dog food on the market today. Fish also containsplentiful protein and helps your Golden Retriever maintain a healthy brain.As long as your give a dog the proper nutrients and minerals, they can stay healthy. But GoldenRetrievers love variety, and the are delighted when the receive the same food as they seepeople eating. To keep your Golden interested in his food, offer them a different food each day.Recommended people foods for dogs include chicken and chicken livers, kale, red beets,chickpeas, and peas. Avoid corn, wheat, and soy, as more dogs tend to be allergic to them.People also feed their dogs some fruits, vegetables, and grains without ill effect. These includeapples and bananas, carrots and cauliflower, peaches, rice cakes, and tuna.Play it safe. Don't make big changes in your Golden Retriever's diet at once. Add a little of afresh food one day, and wait a day or two before doing it again. Dogs have reacted badly tosweeping diet changes, so you'll want to be cautious. There are also human foods that arepoisonous to dogs, including chocolate, onions, garlic, and macadamia nuts. Don't give yourdog fruit pits or potato peelings, foods with caffeine, broccoli, or raisins or grapes. Before youmake changes in your Golden Retriever's diet, check out the internet for those foods that aresafe and those that are not safe.Be sure that your Golden Retriever gets plenty of animal protein in his diet. Dogs are notcarnivorous animals. Unlike cats, who must have meat to survive, dogs can survive on a diversediet of plant and animal products. They are omnivores and eat all types of foods. In the wild,they eat grasses, leaves, and other plants. Having said this, dogs do in fact thrive on animalbaseddiets. Although an all-meat diet is dangerous, dogs do need meat.To be safe, you should give your Golden a combination of dog and people food to assure hegets all the nutrients he needs. Make sure his diet is about half animal protein, and spice thingsup by giving him different human foods each day. Be careful not to over-feed your GoldenRetriever as you experiment with new diet combinations. You might want to weigh him once aweek to be sure you catch any weight-gain trends as they happen. Also, observe your GoldenRetriever's reactions to human food in case he should have an allergy you didn't expect.If ever in doubt, do not hesitate in giving your vet a call. Your vet knows your dog and itsmedical history. They'll be able to recommend the best diet, including both commercial food fordogs and human foods, to maintain proper health and an appropriate weight.
dog food
So You Want To Be A Dog Breeder
By AdySnake
Not everyone is cut out to be a good dog breeder. If you're willing to invest the time to learn howto breed healthy puppies and have a strong commitment to your animals, dog breeding is aheart-warming experience. In fact, it's a lot of fun!The joys of dog breeding are limitless - waiting for the big day as the puppies develop in thewomb, witnessing their entry into the world, and nurturing them through their first six to eightweeks of life can be a tremendously rewarding experience. But to be a really good dog breeder,you must care about more than the financial "bottom line." You have to have genuine love andconcern for the animals you've taken into your charge. The best dog breeders create happy,healthy puppies for truly loving homes.There's more to breeding dogs than one small article can cover. You have to know the best timeof year for breeding and how to provide the best environment for mating, birth, and early care.Good dog breeders need to understand more than the dogs under their care: they must be ableto maintain a successful small business. Most of all, good dog breeders are willing to invest thetime and effort necessary to learn all the ins and outs of breeding before they begin.Your most important building block in breeding happy, healthy puppies is your female dog. Shemust be in heat before she can breed. Typically, this happens every six to seven months.However, even though she may go into heat while she's young, she may not be physicallymature enough to carry, deliver, and care for her new babies. You should wait until your dog isphysically mature before breeding her. For some breeds, this may be two or more years of age.Your veterinarian can help you decide when the time is right for dog breeding. Vets know aboutyour animal, and they know how to perform and interpret the necessary tests and physicalexams. It's best to wait until your vet tells you your female dog is ready to breed. If you don'tgive her enough time, you could lose both mother and her puppies.Even when your vet has given you the go-ahead, you'll have to find the appropriate male tomate with your little lady. Be sure the dog you choose for her is healthy, and verify with hisowner that he is of a pure bloodline, particularly if you want to register your puppies.Mating usually works best when you bring your female to the male because the male needs tobe comfortable to perform his task. That usually happens in his own territory.Most female dogs aren't fertile until they've been in heat about ten days, and they remain fertilefor about four days. Fertility periods vary, so consult your vet to identify the most favorable timesfor mating. You'll also have to go through some trial and error to learn what works for yourfemale dog.Mating is only the beginning of a successful dog breeder's work. You'll have to be a dedicatednurse, mid-wife, and nanny for your dog and her puppies. And good dog breeders are verycareful to find warm, loving homes for their precious ones. You can find lots of good advice andpersonal contacts to help you succeed through your vet, other breeders and, of course, throughInternet websites dedicated to dog breeding.
Socializing Your Golden Retriever
By AdySnake
How your Golden Retriever reacts to and behaves with other people and animals depends onhow well he was socialized. Socializing dogs means getting them used to adults, children, otherdogs, cats, rabbits, and the world in general.Fortunately, for owners of Golden Retrievers, nature has already done half the work. Goldensare friendly, smart, energetic dogs who love to please. They are normally patient and loving withchildren, though there are exceptions. Most Goldens are friendly to strangers and good withother animals. However, you may find a Golden who is only comfortable with one sex, withadults but not children, or good with other Goldens but not with other dogs or cats. Socializationdepends not only on the breed of the dog but on his early experiences.Three factors contribute to how well your dog will become socialized: his genetically-inheritedcharacteristics, he experience with his mother and siblings, and his early life experience.Though some over-breeding may have created exceptions, most Goldens are genetically-proneto be open and friendly.As a newborn, your puppy learned how to behave and react from copying its mother andlittermates. In addition to genetic pre-disposition to certain behaviors, its mother's example willhelp shape your Golden's reactions to the world. For this reason, it's important to make sure thebreeder has selected animals with good, even temperaments for breeding. Of course, you can'tknow about an adult's past if you are adopting a rescue. But you can probably draw some prettygood conclusions by his behavior when you bring him home.If your Golden Retriever puppy separated from his mother before age of seven weeks, heprobably won’t have had the chance to learn many of the acceptable social signals andresponses. He may tend to be nippy or aggressive toward strangers, men only, women only, orchildren. He may not tolerate other animals very well. And although he may show aggressiontowards people, he may be timid around other dogs because he has not learned what to expector how to behave.Some Golden Retriever who have been physically or mentally traumatized by abuse or a fearfulevent. This leaves an emotional scar, a memory that the dog can't process and leave behindhim. Most Goldens that have been traumatized carry the scar with them and require specialattention throughout their lives. Their fear responses may be expressed as overt aggression orflight. While these situations are difficult to change, abundant love and careful discipline mayhelp your Golden Retriever move beyond a traumatic event.The best time to socialize your Golden Retriever is during his/her "adolescence" (from 8 weeksto 8 months). During this time, you should provide many opportunities for your Golden to be withother people and in different situations. Earlier than 8 weeks, your puppy is not capable oflearning social skills. After 8 months, he may be too set in his ways to adjust rapidly to newsituations. During that window of adolescence, you will have to offer plenty of reassurance andencourage your Golden to interact. He may be shy at first, but with loving encouragement andpraise, he should become more adventurous.Successful Golden Retriever socialization involves frequent contact and interaction with people(especially children), other dogs, and other animals in general. Your Golden will learn to feelcomfortable with strangers as well as learn appropriate behaviors in social situations with otheradults, children, and animals. As he ages, he'll carry these positive experiences with him.Golden Retrievers who are not given lots of opportunities for social interactions early in life maybe behavior problems down the road, so it's very important that you take the right steps withyour puppy to teach him how to behave in public. Your Golden Retriever will repay you with alifetime of loving, happy companionship.
Golden Retriever Health Problems Suspected To Be Inherited
By AdySnake
Epilepsy: Characterized by seizures, epilepsy can result from environmental sources and viralinfections. While watching your Golden Retriever go through a seizure is very uncomfortable, itmay not be dangerous to your dog's long-term quality of life. You can get medications from yourvet to control the seizures. Do not breed a Golden Retriever that has seizures to avoid thechance of passing the disorder on to its puppies.
Skin Allergies: The most common medical problem that Golden Retrievers experience is skinallergies, although it's difficult to know if they are genetic or environmental in nature. YourGolden may have skin allergies if it obsessively bites or scratches. It can even create bald spotsin its coat if it goes untreated. Skin allergies are a natural reaction to flea, mite, and tick bitesand can be reduced or avoided by regular grooming and shampooing with commercial flea andtick products. Your Golden could also be allergic to mold and other indoor air pollutants. Regularhouse-cleaning should reduce the problem. Diet can be very important to treating and avoidingallergic reactions in Golden Retrievers, so do your research to find the appropriate feedingregimen for your dog.
Hypothyroidism: Golden Retrievers affected by this failure of the thyroid gland to functionproperly may be obese or have problems maintaining a healthy coat. Some Golden's withhypothyroidism will also have seizures. However, most problems should resolve upon theadministration of oral medicines. Assuring your Golden is generally healthy by providing abalanced nutritious diet, plenty of exercise, and a safe living environment will do much toprevent or reduce the impacts of hypothyroidism. Goldens with this problem may have moredifficulty breeding than you'd expect, although it is recommended that you do not even try tobreed a Golden Retriever with this or other hereditary conditions.
Tips on Selecting and Caring for Your Golden Retriever
These are a few of the medical problems often found in Golden Retrievers. It's an unfortunateirony that the more popular a dog is, the more likely breeding is to bring out health problemsspecific to the breed. One way to avoid these problems is to be very careful in selecting thebreeder, shelter, or pet store that supplies your dog. Insist on reviewing the dog's records, andinspect the facility. Knowing that the offerer has a passionate love for Golden Retrievers is oneway to assure your Golden is not plagued by the problems that result from breeding and overbreedingunhealthy dogs.
No matter what symptoms your Golden Retriever exhibits, the careful pet owner does not jumpto conclusions or make uneducated diagnoses. If you are concerned about your Golden, besure to take it to the vet as soon as you can. Rely on the education and experience of a certifiedveterinarian in identifying health problems and treating them.
Skin Allergies: The most common medical problem that Golden Retrievers experience is skinallergies, although it's difficult to know if they are genetic or environmental in nature. YourGolden may have skin allergies if it obsessively bites or scratches. It can even create bald spotsin its coat if it goes untreated. Skin allergies are a natural reaction to flea, mite, and tick bitesand can be reduced or avoided by regular grooming and shampooing with commercial flea andtick products. Your Golden could also be allergic to mold and other indoor air pollutants. Regularhouse-cleaning should reduce the problem. Diet can be very important to treating and avoidingallergic reactions in Golden Retrievers, so do your research to find the appropriate feedingregimen for your dog.
Hypothyroidism: Golden Retrievers affected by this failure of the thyroid gland to functionproperly may be obese or have problems maintaining a healthy coat. Some Golden's withhypothyroidism will also have seizures. However, most problems should resolve upon theadministration of oral medicines. Assuring your Golden is generally healthy by providing abalanced nutritious diet, plenty of exercise, and a safe living environment will do much toprevent or reduce the impacts of hypothyroidism. Goldens with this problem may have moredifficulty breeding than you'd expect, although it is recommended that you do not even try tobreed a Golden Retriever with this or other hereditary conditions.
Tips on Selecting and Caring for Your Golden Retriever
These are a few of the medical problems often found in Golden Retrievers. It's an unfortunateirony that the more popular a dog is, the more likely breeding is to bring out health problemsspecific to the breed. One way to avoid these problems is to be very careful in selecting thebreeder, shelter, or pet store that supplies your dog. Insist on reviewing the dog's records, andinspect the facility. Knowing that the offerer has a passionate love for Golden Retrievers is oneway to assure your Golden is not plagued by the problems that result from breeding and overbreedingunhealthy dogs.
No matter what symptoms your Golden Retriever exhibits, the careful pet owner does not jumpto conclusions or make uneducated diagnoses. If you are concerned about your Golden, besure to take it to the vet as soon as you can. Rely on the education and experience of a certifiedveterinarian in identifying health problems and treating them.
Medical Problems Of Golden Retrievers
By AdySnake
Because they have been so popular over the last 50 years or so, Golden Retrievers have beenover-bred, resulting in a genetic predisposition to experience specific health problems.Unfortunately, as greedy breeders often fail to screen their breeding animals, additionalhereditary health problems are introduced to the breed. If you have a Golden, or plan to bringone into your home, you should know about the more common hereditary problems that mayreduce the quality or length of your Golden Retriever's life.
Health Problems Known to Be Inherited by Golden Retrievers
Hip and Elbow Dysplasia: When growing hip joints don't form properly, juvenile and adultRetrievers may have an uneven gait or even severe lameness. This inherited disorder iscommon to many large dogs, and while is not usually noticeable in puppies, hip dysplasia willbegin to show when your Golden is between four and nine months old. The severity of thecondition varies greatly from dog to dog, but most Goldens with hip dysplasia will developarthritis as they age. Moderate exercise, weight control, and inflammatory medications will helpwith the discomfort of this problem. Not all Golden Retrievers will show, or even know about,their hip dysplasia if it's a mild form. Golden's with hip dysplasia can live long, happy lives, butthey should not be bred.
Like hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia is developmental problem in young dogs. It is not ascommon as hip dysplasia, but it can be aggravated by over-feeding and too much nutrition inearly puppyhood. Care and treatment are the same as for hip dysplasia. And, of course, GoldenRetrievers with hip dysplasia should not be bred.Eye Disease: Golden Retrievers frequently suffer from hereditary cataracts. They can rangefrom mild problems that do not interfere with your Golden's vision to severe cataracts that causeblindness as the dog ages. Eyelid and eyelash problems may be hereditary, though not all are.When the lids or lashes turn in, they may irritate the eyeball. Depending on the severity of thisproblem, surgery may be necessary. Because it's hard to tell whether eye diseases result fromheredity or environment, it's best not to breed a Golden Retriever with frequent or chronic eyeproblems.
How To Take Care Of Your Dog’s Health
Heart Disease: Golden Retrievers are known to inherit Subvalvular Aortic Stenosis (SAS) thatmay be hard to detect. Heart murmur is the best indicator, although it is not always presentwhen the problem exists. Your veterinarian may be able to identify the problem by listening witha stethoscope or more invasive necropsy. If your Golden has SAS, consult with yourveterinarian about the best treatments.
Health Problems Known to Be Inherited by Golden Retrievers
Hip and Elbow Dysplasia: When growing hip joints don't form properly, juvenile and adultRetrievers may have an uneven gait or even severe lameness. This inherited disorder iscommon to many large dogs, and while is not usually noticeable in puppies, hip dysplasia willbegin to show when your Golden is between four and nine months old. The severity of thecondition varies greatly from dog to dog, but most Goldens with hip dysplasia will developarthritis as they age. Moderate exercise, weight control, and inflammatory medications will helpwith the discomfort of this problem. Not all Golden Retrievers will show, or even know about,their hip dysplasia if it's a mild form. Golden's with hip dysplasia can live long, happy lives, butthey should not be bred.
Like hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia is developmental problem in young dogs. It is not ascommon as hip dysplasia, but it can be aggravated by over-feeding and too much nutrition inearly puppyhood. Care and treatment are the same as for hip dysplasia. And, of course, GoldenRetrievers with hip dysplasia should not be bred.Eye Disease: Golden Retrievers frequently suffer from hereditary cataracts. They can rangefrom mild problems that do not interfere with your Golden's vision to severe cataracts that causeblindness as the dog ages. Eyelid and eyelash problems may be hereditary, though not all are.When the lids or lashes turn in, they may irritate the eyeball. Depending on the severity of thisproblem, surgery may be necessary. Because it's hard to tell whether eye diseases result fromheredity or environment, it's best not to breed a Golden Retriever with frequent or chronic eyeproblems.
How To Take Care Of Your Dog’s Health
Heart Disease: Golden Retrievers are known to inherit Subvalvular Aortic Stenosis (SAS) thatmay be hard to detect. Heart murmur is the best indicator, although it is not always presentwhen the problem exists. Your veterinarian may be able to identify the problem by listening witha stethoscope or more invasive necropsy. If your Golden has SAS, consult with yourveterinarian about the best treatments.
List Of Hairless Hypoallergenic Dogs
By AdySnake
Called non-shedding dogs, there are many dog breeds that slough off less dog hair and danderand present less risk to people who have allergies. Many of them have long, silky coatsappropriate for the show world. But if you want a dog that is both non-shedding AND unique,you might consider shopping for a hairless hypoallergenic dog.While it's common to assume that these dogs are all tiny, barking pests, you'll find a range ofsizes and temperaments in the hairless hypoallergenic dog category. True, there are more smallhairless hypoallergenic dogs than larger sizes. But you can find a great medium-sized hairlesshypoallergenic dog without too much work.Four medium-sized hairless hypoallergenic dogs include the Mexican Hairless (alsoXoloitzcuintie or Xolo), the American Hairless Terrier, the hairless Chinese Crested, and thePeruvian Inca Orchid (called the PIO). You may find it necessary to do your search for breedersonline, as these hairless hypoallergenic dogs are relatively rare.You may have a harder time finding a Mexican Hairless because there are few breedersworldwide. The Xolo has a short coat that doesn't need a lot of brushing or combing because itshair is so short. You won't have to worry about matting either since there's nothing to matt ortangle. You can find a range of sizes in the Mexican Hairless breed.The popular American Hairless Terrier is not a true hairless dog, although it does have a shortcoat requiring little grooming. The first of this breed was an accident! Appearing in 1972 fromnowhere in a litter of Rat Terriers, its Louisiana owners were able to reproduce the new hairlessvariety and have been doing so since the early 1980s. Like its Terrier cousins, the AmericanHairless is a friendly, outgoing, small husky dog who lives happily in a small apartment ortownhome.The Chinese Crested is available in two distinct varieties: the truly hairless and the Powder Puff.The hairless Chinese Crested still has shocks of hair on its head, tail, and feet that need regulargrooming. The Powder Puff variety and has long fine hair resembling human hair. Bothclassified as hypoallergenic dogs due to their limited shedding.How To Take Care Of Your Dog’s Health© Wings Of Success Page 37 of 79The Peruvian Hairless, or PIO, is a hairless dog. It is medium-sized, intelligent, and friendly.Being a bit more self-willed than other dogs, the PIO is not for people without experience intraining and disciplining dogs. They need to be socialized early and should be trained inobedience.Hairless hypoallergenic dogs generally need regular exercise, generous attention, and closecompanionship with their owners and family. Because they don't have the dog hair that normallyprotects the skin, they need extra protection outdoors to prevent sunburn and dry skin problems.They are more susceptible to dry skin rashes and acne, so you may find yourself using specialskin creams to treat pain and itches associated with skin irritations and diseases.Due to the limited number of hairless hypoallergenic dog breeders, you'll probably want to startyour search on the internet. Be sure to check your breeder's credentials and references. Not allbreeders of hairless hypoallergenic dogs are created equal. Be sure the breeder you choosehas a passion for the dogs, rather than the money he gets.It's a good idea to visit the breeder before selecting a dog from them. Inspect their facilities andspend some time with them to learn about their views and attitudes towards their dogs. If youknow someone who already has a hairless hypoallergenic dog, you might want to spend sometime with their pet to get a feel for what life will be like with this type of pet.Owning a dog is a commitment of time and energy that repays you with tons of love andcompanionship. If you have problems with allergies to dog hair, choosing a hairlesshypoallergenic dog may be the perfect solution. Take time to do the research to identify thebreed that will make a perfect companion for you and your family. Accept the fact that you'll begrooming and bathing your new hairless hypoallergenic dog, and enjoy your new companion foryears to come!
Hypoallergenic Medium Sized Dogs
By AdySnake
If you have both have allergies and love dogs, you may be happy with one of the"hypoallergenic dogs" that sheds less dog hair and dander than other dogs. There are manysmall breeds of hypoallergenic dogs that people with allergies can love for years. But if you likelarger dogs better and have the living space for them, never fear! There are several mediumsizedhypoallergenic dogs that will meet your needs as well.
Senor, Yo Quiero a Spanish Water Dog!
Even a person who's allergic to dog hair and dander can find a big loveable shaggy, butmedium-sized hypoallergenic dog! Great news! Spanish Water Dogs look a lot like the popularLooney Tunes sheep dog. Spanish Water Dogs are fun-loving, intelligent creatures that love toplay, swim, and work. Properly socialized, they are wonderful playmates for your kids. This veryintelligent dog was originally bred as a herdsman, hunter, or guardian, so it'll be more thanhappy to play an important role in your family or on your farm. This breed has a unique coat -curly and long, it almost appears to wear dreadlocks! It is a single-coat breed, meaning itdoesn't have the undercoat that sheds once a year. They will need quite a bit of grooming,though their unusual coat is a delightful conversation piece! Due to their intelligence and workethic, owners of this medium-sized hypoallergenic dog must be able to provide regular,consistent training, exercise, and interesting activities. Some Spanish Water Dogs have becomeeffective search dogs, sniffing out bombs, narcotics, and people in disaster situations. They alsomake very good therapy dogs.
The Bouvier des Flandres Rules!
Not everyone agrees, but some Bouvier des Flandres owners report the breed to be good fortheir allergies. This medium-sized hypoallergenic dog can grow to 90 pounds, and without earlysocialization and careful training may have some dominance issues. Originally meant to herdsheep and cattle, this breed makes an excellent work or guard dog. They are stars, too:American President Ronald Regan owned one. They have great, shaggy, thick hair that suitscolder climates and outdoor work and play. Their thick hair (not fur) requires a considerableamount of grooming. Daily to weekly brushing are recommended, and they should be trimmedHow To Take Care Of Your Dog’s Health© Wings Of Success Page 35 of 79at least every six weeks. Due to its deep chest, the Bouvier des Flandres may suffer voluvusand bloat. While they are relatively calm and lazy indoors, the Bouvier des Flandres does bestwhen it has a big yard to play in.
Viva the Xoloitzcuintle!
Otherwise known as the Mexican Hairless, or Xolo, the Xoloitzcuintle comes in three sizes, thelargest growing to as large as 60 pounds in some cases (though the average is more like 40pounds). An extremely rare breed, they are almost completely bald and resemble the dogsfound in Hieroglyphs from Ancient Egypt. Some Xolos do have a thin coat of hair or spots of hairon their bodies and heads. Rare and ancient, artifacts and pottery evidencing the Xolo in Aztecand Mayan tombs date back over 3000 years! These medium-sized hypoallergenic dogs areextremely intelligent, loyal, athletic, and loving. They bond closely with the people who train andfeed them and need early socialization to become good with children. If you are not the packleader, your Xolo will be! They are becoming more popular as service and agility dogs. Eventhose with a thin coat are easy to groom. While they've been recognized by Mexico's dogorganization, they're not yet recognized by the American Kennel Club. Now, here's the downside. These dogs, and their breeders, are very rare. They were even thought to be nearly extinctuntil the 1950s. They are even hard to find in Mexico. One search revealed only three breedersin the Western United States and very few in Mexico. So if you want a Xolo, be prepared to waitpatiently until the right one comes along.
Senor, Yo Quiero a Spanish Water Dog!
Even a person who's allergic to dog hair and dander can find a big loveable shaggy, butmedium-sized hypoallergenic dog! Great news! Spanish Water Dogs look a lot like the popularLooney Tunes sheep dog. Spanish Water Dogs are fun-loving, intelligent creatures that love toplay, swim, and work. Properly socialized, they are wonderful playmates for your kids. This veryintelligent dog was originally bred as a herdsman, hunter, or guardian, so it'll be more thanhappy to play an important role in your family or on your farm. This breed has a unique coat -curly and long, it almost appears to wear dreadlocks! It is a single-coat breed, meaning itdoesn't have the undercoat that sheds once a year. They will need quite a bit of grooming,though their unusual coat is a delightful conversation piece! Due to their intelligence and workethic, owners of this medium-sized hypoallergenic dog must be able to provide regular,consistent training, exercise, and interesting activities. Some Spanish Water Dogs have becomeeffective search dogs, sniffing out bombs, narcotics, and people in disaster situations. They alsomake very good therapy dogs.
The Bouvier des Flandres Rules!
Not everyone agrees, but some Bouvier des Flandres owners report the breed to be good fortheir allergies. This medium-sized hypoallergenic dog can grow to 90 pounds, and without earlysocialization and careful training may have some dominance issues. Originally meant to herdsheep and cattle, this breed makes an excellent work or guard dog. They are stars, too:American President Ronald Regan owned one. They have great, shaggy, thick hair that suitscolder climates and outdoor work and play. Their thick hair (not fur) requires a considerableamount of grooming. Daily to weekly brushing are recommended, and they should be trimmedHow To Take Care Of Your Dog’s Health© Wings Of Success Page 35 of 79at least every six weeks. Due to its deep chest, the Bouvier des Flandres may suffer voluvusand bloat. While they are relatively calm and lazy indoors, the Bouvier des Flandres does bestwhen it has a big yard to play in.
Viva the Xoloitzcuintle!
Otherwise known as the Mexican Hairless, or Xolo, the Xoloitzcuintle comes in three sizes, thelargest growing to as large as 60 pounds in some cases (though the average is more like 40pounds). An extremely rare breed, they are almost completely bald and resemble the dogsfound in Hieroglyphs from Ancient Egypt. Some Xolos do have a thin coat of hair or spots of hairon their bodies and heads. Rare and ancient, artifacts and pottery evidencing the Xolo in Aztecand Mayan tombs date back over 3000 years! These medium-sized hypoallergenic dogs areextremely intelligent, loyal, athletic, and loving. They bond closely with the people who train andfeed them and need early socialization to become good with children. If you are not the packleader, your Xolo will be! They are becoming more popular as service and agility dogs. Eventhose with a thin coat are easy to groom. While they've been recognized by Mexico's dogorganization, they're not yet recognized by the American Kennel Club. Now, here's the downside. These dogs, and their breeders, are very rare. They were even thought to be nearly extinctuntil the 1950s. They are even hard to find in Mexico. One search revealed only three breedersin the Western United States and very few in Mexico. So if you want a Xolo, be prepared to waitpatiently until the right one comes along.
Heart Worm, Fleas And Other Parasites
By AdySnake
We all want to make sure our dogs are protected from heart worms, fleas, and other parasiteslike hook worms, whip worms, round worms, lice, ticks, and other nasty critters that compromisea dog's health and happiness. There are many new products on the market designed to protectdogs.Among one of the most difficult of pests is the flea. Fleas cause serious reactions that indicatedby severe itching and scratching. This can lead to serious infections and dermatitis, which isdifficult and expensive to treat. Fleas also move from pets to people and surroundings. Anyonewho's had a flea-infected carpet or couch can testify to the challenge of getting rid of the pests.Flea infestations make it difficult dogs to lie down or sleep. In short, fleas make your preciouspet miserable. Not even a dog deserves this life.Ticks are a serious treat to your dog's health and happiness. Tick bites can lead to secondarybacterial infections, indicated by puss, swelling, and bad odors. Tick infestations can cause yourdog to become anemic, to become weak and unable to resist other infections and diseases.If you suspect your dog has fleas or ticks, inspect his fur and skin carefully. Fleas are small, butyou'll be able to see them crawling and jumping around near the roots of the fur. Ticks becomelarge and swollen with your dog's blood and are easy to spot on close examination. Your vetcan also test for the presence these parasites.If your vet diagnoses your dog with anemia, it may be caused by a variety of problems. Anemiais not a disease in itself. It is an indicator of disease. Symptoms of anemia are lethargy and lossof the pink color in your dog's gums. Normally, 30-35% of a dog's blood is red blood cells. Whenit falls below that, your dog is probably anemic.To protect your dog, it is important to make sure he has regular exams at the vet's office. Thisshould include analyses of fecal and blood samples to assure your dog is free from parasiteslike hook worms.How To Take Care Of Your Dog’s Health© Wings Of Success Page 33 of 79Your vet can recommend any one of several new medications to deal with these conditions in asingle dose. Products like ivermectin are effective and can be administered by injection, orally,or by application to the skin. Better yet, many of these drugs can be used as preventivemeasures to protect your dog before it falls prey to life-threatening parasites.
Grooming Your Golden Retriever
By AdySnake
Brushing your Golden Retriever regularly will help prevent shedding (especially important if youhave allergies) and matting of his fur. Matting is not only unattractive, but it's uncomfortable foryour dog as well. Brushing also helps you remove burs and other foreign matter that couldthreaten his health. Regular grooming will help maintain a shiny, healthy coat and enhance yourGolden Retriever's quality of life.Grooming your Golden Retriever is a time-consuming process. Grooming should be done atleast once, preferably twice, ever week. You can expect to spend about one-half an hour in thegrooming process. The first step in the grooming process is a good brushing. Brush the entirebody, from head to tail. When you've finished brushing, you can use a comb to remove anyremaining loose hair and help distribute oils evenly throughout your Golden Retriever's coat.While you're accomplishing hair removal, you can also inspect your pet's roots and skin for ticksand fleas or skin irritations. This will also be a good time to inspect his ears to be sure they'reclean and healthy and trim his nails.You should give your Golden Retriever regular baths, too. Though it's a little complicated, thepath will keep his coat and skin in good condition and reduce your exposure to allergens. Afterbrushing to get rid of tangles and loose hair, bathe your Golden Retriever with a shampoodesigned specifically for dogs. Human shampoos are too harsh for a dog's sensitive skin. You'llfind that two baths a month will be sufficient to maintain your Golden's coat. If you do itconsistently, your Golden Retriever's coat will be easier to brush and clean.Because Golden's have longer fur, it is important to prevent matting. Daily brushing willaccomplish this best, especially if you use metal combs or brushes. Taking the easy way bycutting the matts out is not advisable, as it could injure your pet, and it will certainly detract fromhis naturally beautiful coat. Avoid using scissors for grooming. Brushes and baths are the bestway to prevent matting and maintain your Golden's health.Trimming your Golden Retriever's nails regularly is also important. Too-long nails are bad foryour dog's health. They can split and bleed profusely. They can change the shape of the footHow To Take Care Of Your Dog’s Health© Wings Of Success Page 31 of 79and cause other joint problems if they force your Golden Retriever to walk so as to protect thetoo-long nails.If you have never done it before, it might be wise to take your Golden to the vet to learn how todo it properly. Most dogs don't like having their nails clipped, and you may pick up some goodhints on how to do it without a struggle. When you do clip your Golden's nails, you should beaggressive, trimming them about 1/16 inch or 2 millimeters, from the quick. You can expect tosee some bleeding now and then, so keep some styptic power nearby. You'll probably need toundertake this task every few weeks.Now, about your Golden Retriever's ears. Their ears are easily infected if you don't clean themregularly. Ear infections are very painful for dogs, and you'll want to assure your Golden is freeof this health risk. Symptoms that may indicate ear infections include head shaking andscratching the ears, painful reactions when the ears are touched, discharges or foul odorscoming from the ears, and blisters, swelling, or redness on or around the skin. If you notice anyof these symptoms, you should take your Golden to the vet before the problems get worse orbecome irreversible.You should clean his ears once a week using a commercial ear-cleaning solution to preventinfection. Many people don't realize that hair can grow inside and into dogs' ears. Use ahemostat to carefully remove any hair inside the ear canal. Then use cotton or a cloth with thecleaning solution to gently clean no further than one-half an inch into the ear. Do NOT use Qtipsor alcohol to clean your Golden's ears. And do not use water or a syringe to clean his ears.Leave this delicate and sometimes dangerous task to the vet. If you use tools like a hemostat,be sure they are sterile.Good, regular grooming is essential to the health and well-being of your Golden Retriever. Ittakes some time from your daily routine, but it also helps you bond with your pet. If you don'thave the time, you should take your Golden Retriever to a dog-grooming professional. Nowmatter how you do it, you must assure that your Golden receives regular grooming and baths.
Grooming And Brushing Tips For Dogs That Are Hypoallergenic
By AdySnake
Buying a hypoallergenic dog may be a great solution for reducing your allergic reactions to doghair and dander, but you should know that these dogs have special grooming needs. Mosthypoallergenic dogs have short fur that is more like human hair that dog fur. This means thatthey shed as much and need as many haircuts as their human companions.Grooming is a very important part of caring for a hypoallergenic dog, and if you don't have timeto do it yourself, plan on regular visits to the professional groomer. You should plan on dailybrushings and monthly baths. If you don't have the time and can't afford to pay for this service,you may want to consider getting another breed.Some of the more popular hypoallergenic dog breeds include terrier, basenji, bichon frise,poodle, Chinese crested, greyhound, havanese, Irish water spaniel, and shih Tzu. Most of theseare smaller dogs, and many of them are quite temperamental. Until your dog has grownaccustomed to the grooming routine, he may growl and snip at you.If you can't cope with these temper tantrums, you may want to use the professional groomer totrim and bathe your hypoallergenic dog. Chain pet stores normally have a grooming department,and you'll be able to find many groomers in the yellow pages. Some groomers will even come toyou in their mobile grooming vans. But while finding a groomer may be easy, finding one youcan depend on may be more of a challenge.The first time you trim your hypoallergenic dog's air, you'll decide how long you want to leavethe remaining coat. You may choose the show-dog cut, but you are not limited to that look. Afterthe trim is done (whether by a groomer or you), inspect the job to be sure the cut is even andthat the dog's skin is cut-, scrape-, and scratch-free. You may need to apply a small amount ofantibiotic to any breaks in the skin as a precaution.It's a good idea to have your hypoallergenic dog's face hair and nails trimmed at the same timeas the regular cut. Most dogs do not like the pedicure but, with practice patience, you can wintheir cooperation. It's important to regularly clip your dog's nails, as they can become a healthHow To Take Care Of Your Dog’s Health© Wings Of Success Page 29 of 79hazard if they grow too long. Clip up to about 2 millimeters (1/16 inch) from the cuticle, andexpect at least a little bleeding. Keep styptic powder handy just in case.Most hypoallergenic dogs will enjoy the daily brushing, and it's important to maintain this habit toprevent shedding, matting, and "alien" debris from collecting in your dog's coat. If your long-hairhypoallergenic dog has persistent knots in his fur, you may want to brush it more often ormaintain a closer trim.Aside from the benefits of good hygiene and proper grooming, caring for your hypoallergenicdog this way gives you time to share physical affection and devoted attention to yourhypoallergenic dog. Many people who are not comfortable with normal dogs will enjoy thecompany of a hypoallergenic dog, so you should maintain a beautiful healthy coat at all times.Your special hypoallergenic dog may be a bit of a prima dona, and the attention they receivefrom both friends and strangers will only confirm their valuable opinions of themselves.Hypoallergenic breeds tend to be small, cute, and cuddly - if a bit nervous or temperamental.But if you have allergies or are sensitive to dog fur and dander, you may find a hypoallergenicdog to be the best friend you ever had. Show him how much you appreciate him by providing,regular thorough grooming and bathing. You'll be glad you did.
Feeding Your Golden Retriever
By AdySnake
Starting your new Golden Retriever puppy out on the right foot by feeding him properly will helphim grow to be a happy, healthy adult. Puppies receive their nutrients from their mother untilthey're about 7 weeks old. But at about three weeks, it's time to start giving them puppy foodthat has been soaked and mixed to a thin paste that resembles the food they get from mom.The breeder should have started this process before you pick up your new Golden Retrieverpuppy.Before you bring your Golden Retriever puppy home, be sure to find out exactly what food he'sbeen given and the times he's been fed. Because puppy stomachs are very sensitive, it'simportant to continue the same regimen. When you begin to change to a more mature diet,gradually transition from 25% new mix with 75% of the old diet to the opposite (75% new and25% old) over a ten-day period. This will give your Golden Retriever puppy time to adjust to thenew diet without undue discomfort or digestive problems.When your Golden Retriever puppy is at least 8 weeks old, it is acceptable to separate him fromhis mother and bring him home to meet his new family. At first, your new puppy may not showmuch interest in eating. Changes this big can be very stressful. Don't force him to eat. Once hefigures out he doesn't have to fit his brothers and sisters to get his fair share, he'll become morecurious and hungry. So don't worry if he only sniffs and nibbles at first.Puppies need twice the nutrients that adult Golden Retrievers need to stay healthy. Don't betempted to use too many treats with your Golden Retriever puppy, as they do not containenough nutrients for his healthy growth. For the fist few weeks, stick to the type of food and thesame feeding schedule as he was getting from the breeder. It's hard for a new Golden Retrieverpuppy to adjust to changes, and maintaining a stable schedule with familiar food will be a nicebalance to the shock of new surroundings and people. During the transition to the new food,watch closely for vomiting, loose stool or constipation. If these occur, slow down the transitionuntil your Golden Retriever puppy adjusts and can eat without becoming upset or ill.Professionals recommend that puppies should eat three times a day until they are about sixmonths old. But it's a good idea to take the puppy to your vet as soon as you can. Get himHow To Take Care Of Your Dog’s Health© Wings Of Success Page 26 of 79checked out, and discuss diet and nutrition with your vet. Your vet will be able to give you tipson appropriate weights so that you can avoid over- or under-feeding your new Golden Retrieverpuppy.The feeding schedule will, of course, be largely determined by your own schedule. But setregular times, and stick to them. Your new Golden Retriever puppy need stability, and stickingto a set schedule will help you with house-training, as his bathroom habits will be regular andpredictable. Be sure to provide ample water during and after his meals. Set aside some quiettime for your Golden Retriever puppy after meals to avoid stomach problems. Expect yourpuppy to need to go to the bathroom within an hour or so. Ask the kids not to play with thepuppy for the first hour to hour-and-a-half after he eats.When your Golden Retriever puppy has learned to sleep through the night, make it a habit totake him outside for a potty break each morning. Then feed him, allowing for about an hour ofquiet time afterward. Stick to your feeding schedule as much as you possibly can. You shouldschedule the last feeling at last an hour or so before you plan to go to bed so that you can givehim a potty break before everyone settles in for a good night's rest. Until your Golden Retrieverpuppy is house-broken, provide puppy pads or newspapers near (not in) his sleeping area incase he can't wake you up for a trip outside.By the time your Golden Retriever puppy is 8 to 10 weeks old, he should be on a diet of dry dogfood. You can add a little warm water to make it more appetizing, but don't use canned or moistdog food. These are mostly water and not nearly as nutritious as the dry foods. The warm waterwill encourage your Golden Retriever puppy to eat all his food, though you may need to sit withhim and add more warm water a little at a time. From three to six months, your Golden Retrieverpuppy will be teething. He may appear to be sick, but unless it lasts over two days, don't worry.It's growing pains.Never feed your Golden Retriever puppy table scraps. They are likely to upset his stomach, andthey are not the nutrition he needs at this stage of his growth. As your puppy grows, hisstomach will grow, and he'll eat more. At about six months, you should begin to feed him twice aday, in the morning and at night, but continue to use a diet of puppy food. Being larger dogs,you may want to keep your Golden Retriever on puppy food well into his second year. But youshould reduce feeding to once per day, always offering plenty of water during and after hisHow To Take Care Of Your Dog’s Health© Wings Of Success Page 27 of 79meal. When you do switch to adult dog foods, be sure to select a quality brand with adequatenutrition for your Golden Retriever.If you follow these guidelines and show your new Golden Retriever plenty of love and affection,you'll give him a great start to a long, happy, healthy lifetime with your family. He'll be a valuableand beloved member of your family for years.
dog food
Even Your Dog Should Maintain A Healthy Weight
By AdySnake
Talk about weight and obesity is everywhere these days. In fact, being overweight is bad foryour health. We know it's true for humans. Doctors tell us it's true. Overweight and obesehumans suffer from heart disease, diabetes, and bone and joint problems. It's commonknowledge.But did you know what your dog can be overweight, too? In fact, every extra pound costs yourdog in risks to its health. As a responsible and loving dog owner, you should do everything youcan to maintain a healthy diet and weight for your beloved pet.You need to know that weight gain for dogs is even more harmful than it is for humans. Poundfor-pound, weight gain is more dangerous for your dog. When you gain a pound or two, yourclothes may get tight, but generally things stay the same. When your dog gains a pound or two,he's adding a significant amount. This extra weight costs him in energy, makes his heart workharder, and puts relatively more pressure on his bones and joints. And your dog can't tell youwhat it's doing to him. You may not learn about emerging serious health problems until theannual exam at your vet's office.Physical problems resulting from obesity are just, if not more, serious for dogs as they are forpeople. Dogs can't give you information about how they feel, so they must be diagnosed by avet. If they are ill, the cost of care may be much more than you had ever thought of spending.Yet, if you love your pet, you will spend what is necessary to avoid pain and early death. Itstands to reason that keeping your dog healthy before problems begin is a good way to save alot of heartache and a lot of money!As with humans, being over-weight can significantly reduce your dog's chances of living a longlife. It can also create health problems that reduce the quality of his life throughout. Loving petowners take care to feed their dog a consistent, measured amount of nutritious food each day,provide regular exercise, and visit the veterinarian regularly.If your dog looks a bit chubbier than he did a few weeks ago, or if his tummy is bulging, you maywant to take him to see his physician - the vet. Regular visits will help you and your vet keepHow To Take Care Of Your Dog’s Health© Wings Of Success Page 24 of 79track of changes in his weight over time so that you catch tendencies to gain more quickly. It'smuch easier to prevent weight-gain in dogs than to reduce it. Most vets keep weight and growthrecords for their patients, and your vet can compare your dog's information with that of otherdogs from the same breed. Your vet is the best source of information on your dog's currentcondition, his ideal condition, and what you can do to assure a long, healthy life for your bestfriend.Because you feed your dog, you are ultimately responsible for your dog's weight. If he's obese,it's because you feed him too much or don't give him the proper nutritious diet. It may also meanyou're not paying enough attention to his exercise routine. If your dog is gaining weight despitea well-monitored diet, you should investigate the cause. He may have a medical condition thatneeds attention, or perhaps someone in your family is feeling him scraps from the table. Yourneighbor could even been sneaking him treats while you're not looking!Whatever the cause, it is very important that you control your dog's diet and maintain him at ahealthy weight. Keeping your dog healthy will save you much money in the long run and giveyou a happy, healthy companion for years to come.
Crate Training Your Golden
By AdySnake
You're going to have to get over your old idea that crates are punishment for dogs. The truth isthat your Golden Retriever will love his crate. It's a safe place that satisfies his natural instinctfor his den. All dogs are instinctively den-dwelling creatures, and his crate may be an excellentsubstitute that meets your Golden Retriever's genetic need for a warm, safe place, particularlywhen he's afraid or confused. At the same time, it's not a good idea to let your Golden stay inhis crate for hours on end, as this could cause other behavioral problems that will be difficult tosolve.When you bring your Golden Retriever puppy home for the first time, the open crate shouldalready be there in the spot you want it to be permanently. The crate should probably be locatedcentrally in the house but not in a high-traffic area. Many people leave their crate near anoutside door so that their Golden Retriever can go outside to potty when he needs to. Put a toy,a dog treat, or a blanket in the crate to provide a point of interest or comfort.But don't take the puppy to the crate or put him in it. Just let him roam the house, sniffingeverything and finding his way around. Your Golden Retriever puppy will find the crate, and he'llprobably want to visit it often. When your Golden Retriever puppy finds and enters the crate,give him lots of praise. If the puppy seems to want to stay for a while, you can close the door tosee how he'll react.Stay nearby at first and, if the puppy whines, reassure him with gentle words. If he gets upset,excited or is barking, don't let him out of the crate. This will reward the puppy for bad behavior.Rather, leave your puppy in the crate until he calms down. Then opening the door will be areward for good behavior. Once the puppy is comfortable with the crate, it'll be safe to leave himin it now and then, for example when you have to leave the house for a little while. After yourGolden Retriever puppy gets used to his new home and family, you can leave the crate dooropen. He'll probably start to wander in and out of the crate. Remember, praise him while he's inthe crate to reinforce the behavior.It will take some time to crate train your new Golden Retriever puppy, but not nearly as long asyou may think. Crates can be a safe haven for your puppy, so never use it as punishment or aHow To Take Care Of Your Dog’s Health© Wings Of Success Page 22 of 79"time out." Consistently show your Golden Retriever that his crate is his own private home, hisplace and his alone. Natural instinct and positive reinforcement will accomplish the desiredbehavior.
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