First bred in Ireland as a farm dog and family companion, the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier isclosely related to the Irish and Kerry Blue Terriers. He has a soft, silky coat, and he is a happydog. He's not as feisty as other terriers but makes a good watch dog and protector. Thismedium-sized dog ranges from 20-40 pounds in adulthood and has a strong graceful gate. MostSoft Coated Wheaten Terriers are very good with children.Many people think the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier is a high-maintenance animal because ofits longer fur, and they do require a lot of grooming to maintain a healthy, matt-free coat. Ifyou're thinking about bringing a Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier into your home and family, youshould understand what it takes to care for and groom him.A Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier's coat is perhaps the most distinguishing thing about him. Hisvery name captures this outstanding feature. He has a long, abundant white to light-grey coatthat falls loosely about his frame. A good breed for allergy sufferers, a well-groomed dog will notshed much at all. However, its coat requires regular, careful grooming.Frequent grooming is necessary with the Soft Coated Wheaten Carrier. A daily comb (use amedium-toothed comb) is recommended over a brush for the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, andit should be used daily to prevent matting and to keep the coat soft, shiny, and tangle-free.You'll also want to have him trimmed now and then to preserve the traditional "terrier look" andallow for his new coat to grow. You'll be happier if you begin to acclimate your Soft CoatedWheaten Terrier to the grooming procedures while he's still a puppy. Make him learn to love thecomb and trimmer, and he's more likely to be cooperative!In addition to daily combing and occasional trimming, it's important to care for the eyes, ears,teeth. and nails of your Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier. Their abundance of fur makes it easy toget eye and ear infections, and brushing his teeth regularly can add years to his life. If you don'tknow how or are not able to do these tasks yourself, you can hire a professional dog groomer tohandle it.How To Take Care Of Your Dog’s Health© Wings Of Success Page 20 of 79It's important to begin socializing and training your Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier pet dog whilehe's still a puppy. Being a terrier, he has lots of energy and can become dog aggressive if it'snot channeled properly. Your Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier will respond well to a trainingprogram that is characterized by a few well-picked keywords:
Always be consistent when you're training you Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier pet dog. Use thesame hand signals, body language, and tone of voice for each command to avoid confusion andmixed behavior. And always be consistent with punishment and rewards so that your SoftCoated Wheaten Terrier pet dog will know what you expect when you want something of him.
Soft coated wheaten terriers are sensitive to tone of voice. He'll be able to read you quickly,especially if you are not sensitive to how sensitive he is. For a consistent level of behavior, try tocultivate a calm, soft tone with him at all times.
Your Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier will respond better if you correct and reward him immediatelyso that he associates his behavior with your response. If you sense he's about to make amistake, correct him before it happens. Your terrier will have a sense of behavioralconsequences if you react to him quickly and clearly.There's considerable work involved in the care and training of the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrierpet dog. He is a bundle of energy, though not so much as other terriers. He's a good-sized dogwith an enthusiastic nature and the ability to protect you and your children. He's a greatplaymate for the kids and a loving companion for you. But be aware that when you bring theSoft Coated Wheaten Terrier into your home, you are making a commitment to provide regular,careful care and grooming.
Always be consistent when you're training you Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier pet dog. Use thesame hand signals, body language, and tone of voice for each command to avoid confusion andmixed behavior. And always be consistent with punishment and rewards so that your SoftCoated Wheaten Terrier pet dog will know what you expect when you want something of him.
Soft coated wheaten terriers are sensitive to tone of voice. He'll be able to read you quickly,especially if you are not sensitive to how sensitive he is. For a consistent level of behavior, try tocultivate a calm, soft tone with him at all times.
Your Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier will respond better if you correct and reward him immediatelyso that he associates his behavior with your response. If you sense he's about to make amistake, correct him before it happens. Your terrier will have a sense of behavioralconsequences if you react to him quickly and clearly.There's considerable work involved in the care and training of the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrierpet dog. He is a bundle of energy, though not so much as other terriers. He's a good-sized dogwith an enthusiastic nature and the ability to protect you and your children. He's a greatplaymate for the kids and a loving companion for you. But be aware that when you bring theSoft Coated Wheaten Terrier into your home, you are making a commitment to provide regular,careful care and grooming.
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