Dehydration is caused by the excessive loss of fluids. The condition must be treated by thereplacement of fluids. It can result from a dog being kept in hot conditions for too long or fromillness. Vomiting and diarrhea or a high fever will all cause dehydration.When a dog becomes dehydrating the electrolytes in the dog's bodily fluids get out of balance.The electrolytes are mineral salts such as sodium, potassium and chloride. This can result indamage to organs such as the kidneys and liver. Ultimately this can prove fatal.Dogs do not have sweat glands like humans so they cool themselves by panting. This can leadto dehydrations just like excessive sweating can lead to dehydration in humans.A dog must always have access to clean, fresh water. Keep a bowl of water accessible to thedog at all times in the house, yard and dog pen. If you use a dog pen in the house make surethere is water available there too. Change the water in all the dog's bowls at least every day.Never let the dog become overheated. Do not let it stay out in the yard in hot weather unless ithas shade. But it is better to bring it indoors especially if you live in a warm climate. Dogs with aheavy coat are very prone to overheating. It may be best to have them clipped for summer.Dogs should not be left in cars. Even with the window open slightly a car can quickly overheat.This can happen even in winter because the car acts like a greenhouse. So if you need to leavethe dog, when you go into a store say, tether it somewhere shady. Encourage local stores tohave a dog tethering spot at which water is available.When you take your dog for a walk and especially if you take it jogging with you make sure ithas access to water. Many dogs will happily lap water poured from your own water bottle. Youcan pour some into your hands if the dog can't drink from a jet of water. It's a good idea to keepsome water and a bowl in the car.Dried food is best for a dog's dental health but always make sure it has plenty of water too. Ifyour dog is drinking from the toilet bowl this is not a good idea because there can be unpleasantchemical cleaners used in the bathroom. Give the door more water in its own bowl.If your dog becomes seriously dehydrated you will notice that is nose is dry, its eyes looksunken and its skin lacks elasticity. A good test is to press the gums and if the color comes backquickly after you release the pressure then the dog is hydrated. But if the color comes back onlyslowly then the dog may be dehydrated.A seriously dehydrated dog should only be allowed to drink water in small amounts slowly. Toomuch water all at once and it will vomit which will only add to the problem.The same electrolyte solutions that are used for children can be used for dogs and puppies.This can be useful in cases where the cause of dehydration is illness.If there is no obvious cause of the dehydration such as heat and exertion or a known illness forwhich the dog is already undergoing treatment than consult your veterinarian.
Choosing A Toy Dog
By AdySnake
A toy dog has the huge advantage that it is small. This often makes it an ideal dog for urbanliving or for older people with limited mobility. A toy dog does not need long walks. It will not takeover a small apartment. A toy dog fits into the modern lifestyle of many people today.There are a huge variety of toy dogs. They all have different characteristics just as larger breedsof dog do. It is important to get to know the what each kind of toy dog is like before you makeyour choice. Toy dogs are not all alike.It is thought that the breeding of toy dogs first began in Asia but varieties of toy dog can now befound from every part of the globe. They were bred for a variety of purposes. That stillinfluences the characteristics of the breed and will affect which one is right for you.Perhaps the most well known type of toy dog is the poodle. When any one mentions a toy dogthis is the kind of dog that most people think of. Toy poodles were bred from larger dogs thatwere used for hunting. Even the smaller toy poodles retain some of the characteristics of thelarger hunting dogs. They are bold, intelligent dogs that can be readily trained. But they can behighly strung and are not necessarily suitable for household with young children.Somewhat similar in appearance is the Bichon Frisbee. They tend to look like an unclipped toypoodle. But their temperament is somewhat different. They are a boisterous small dog thatinteracts well with children. They are said to have been bred as lap dogs in pre-revolutionaryFrance but after the revolution they had to get by on the streets and did not very successfully.They are a street-wise lap dog. They will chase every rabbit and squirrel they see.The Chihuahua comes originally from Mexico where it was bred as a source of meat. They havenow become a favorite toy dog. Their fine, smooth coat means that they do not need a lot ofgrooming. They do not tolerate children well and can be snappish. But they are often loyal anddevoted to their owners.The Maltese is a toy dog that was bred as a lap dog for the wealthy. It is still popular in that roleand is a fashionable lap dog that models and film stars like to carry in their oversize handbags.It is not good with children however and tends to bark at strangers.The Pekingese was once one of the most sought after toy dogs because they were so rare.Only a few had been imported from China. They are now well known in the West. They can bedifficult to train but mellow with the years. They are seldom tolerant of children or other animals.Their coat requires a lot of attention since their ears can easily become matted and infectionmay result. Their short noses can become a problem. They always snuffle but can sometimesbecome badly blocked. They make good guard dogs and can therefore be a good dog for anelderly and infirm person since they do not need a lot of exercise.Pugs have recently become very popular having been seen accompanying various fashionablestarlets. The look like tiny bull dogs with their hanging folds of skin. They can have similar nasalproblems to those of Pekingese because of their small nasal passages. But they make excellentpets. They do not need a lot of exercise. They are usually placid and will happily play withchildren. They are seldom aggressive with other pets. They are intelligent dogs that respondwell to training.
Understanding Your Dog's Anal Gland
By AdySnake
All dogs have anal glands. They are located on either side of the anus. Behind the anal gland isa sac that secretes a strongly smelling substance. The dog uses is anal glands to mark itsterritory every time it excretes.The scent that the dog deposits conveys information about the sex of the dog and its health.This is important for other dogs since they are territorial animals. That is why dogs smell oneanother's anal glands and deposits of feces. They are checking for a male competitor or afemale on heat.When they function well a dog's anal glands are no problem. But they can become blocked andthat can lead to problems. A responsible dog owner should now how to express their dog's analglands to move the blockage and prevent problems.You may notice your dog dragging its rear end across the grass. This means that they are itchyand can be a symptom of blocked anal glands.If you do not know how to express the dog's anal glands then consult your veterinarian who willdo it for you. It is a good idea to take the opportunity of learning to do this yourself because itwill save future vet's bills and is comparatively easy.What you need to do is to hold the dog's tail up pointing towards its head. Then take a papertowel and press the left side of the left gland with your thumb and your forefinger on the rightside of the right gland. Squeeze firmly and gently. The glands should issue a brownish yellowsubstance.If the glands have become seriously impacted the method described above may not work. Youwill then need to put on some surgical gloves. Lubricate them with KY jelly and remove theblockage manually.You must insert your forefinger into the dog's rectum and squeeze each gland in turn. This mayprove harder than simple expression and the substance that comes out will be darker in colorand foul smelling.If your dog's anal glands become impacted they can get infected. You will notice bloody puswhen you try to express them. In that case you need to treat the dog with antibiotics. It is betterto keep the anal glands clear then you will avoid that scenario altogether.Expressing your dog's anal glands may seem an unpleasant chore but it is important inmaintaining your dog's general health. The itching that results from a blocked anal gland can bevery uncomfortable for the dog. If the blockage gives rise to an infection that can have importanthealth implications.Infections can generally be treated easily with antibiotics but it is best to avoid antibiotics ifpossible. The overuse of antibiotics is leading to many resistant strains of bacteria. Antibioticsshould be used only when necessary.A simple expression of the anal glands will prevent complications and save you some heavyveterinary bills in the future. It is the work of a few minutes once you know how.
How To Select Your New Dog
By AdySnake
The dog that is right for you is not the same as the dog that is right for someone else. Beforeyou chose a dog consider what your needs really are.Perhaps you are looking for a family dog. The children have been pestering you for a dog andfinally you have decided that you will get one. Under these circumstances you should consider apuppy because a puppy will adapt to your children. It will grow up with them. As far as the dog isconcerned they are slightly larger puppies.But chose the breed carefully. Some dogs may be too dominant to live happily with children.Make sure you see the puppy's parents. If they have a calm temperament then the puppyprobably will too.If possible see the whole litter of puppies with their mother. Puppies should not be taken awayfrom their mother too soon. If a puppy is deprived of its mother too soon it will not be stable in itsbehavior.The puppy that hangs back shyly is always appealing. But it may not be the best one to chose.It is usually the runt of the litter. If you have a quiet home then it may be a good dog for you.Such a puppy may thrive when it is the centre of attention and has constant reassurance. In afamily with children a shy puppy may feel overwhelmed and develop neurotic behavior.The puppy that comes running to meet you confidently is the one for you if you have children.Watch the mother's reaction. She should be watchful of her puppies but will greet you with awag of her tail. Her calmness will have communicated itself to her puppies.A puppy's eyes should be bright and clear and not runny. Its nose should be wet and cold.Check for any signs of loose bowel action.It may be that a puppy is not the best choice for you. Maybe you don't want to go through thehassle of toilet training, broken nights and chewed shoes. Perhaps an older dog would be abetter choice.Older dogs can be particularly good for older people. Even pedigree breeds can be found inrescue centers. But cross breeds can make excellent pets. They seem to share the bestcharacteristics of both their parents. What is more you will have the benefit of knowing that youare doing a good deed by giving a home to an abandoned animal.Rescue centers often have puppies but they have many adult dogs that need good homes.They can also offer the new dog owner good advice on pet care. Their dogs are usuallyvaccinated against common canine diseases and spayed or neutered.When choosing an adult dog the temperament and size of the animal are important factors toconsider. A lovely natured dog that is too large will be no use to you if you live in an apartment.An overly assertive dog will be a constant problem if you are a shy retiring person. A dog thatmight make a wonderful security dog would be unsuitable for a family pet.So take your time and find the dog that matches your personality and needs.
How To Prepare Your Home For A New Puppy
By AdySnake
If you've never owned a puppy before or have not owned one for a long time than introducing apuppy into your home can be a bit of shock to your established routine. A small puppy is a livelyand curious small mammal that is learning all the time. It can get into scrapes that an older andmore experienced dog would avoid. You have to puppy-proof your home just as you wouldtoddler-proof it.The first thing to be aware of is that puppies chew things. In fact puppies chew anything andeverything. They will chew your shoes, clothing, carpets, telephone cables and electric wires,their basket or whatever else you can think of.If you have things that are too valuable to risk getting chewed then make sure they are kept outof the puppy's way. Make sure the kids do the same. Fix wires and any loose edges of carpetsdown carefully so they are not tempting. If you have expensive rugs then roll them up and putthem in a room that is closed to the puppy.Get the puppy a dog bed. Plastic is the best kind because it can be washed and is economical.Traditional wicker baskets look nice but will quickly reduced to a ruins by a chewing puppy. Linethe bed with washable bedding. This will all get chewed but it can be replaced.Make sure that you puppy cannot get into any cupboards and utility rooms where householdchemicals are stored. Child safety locks can be fitted to kitchen cupboards.Outside the house make sure that the puppy is not exposed to any chemicals that might beused on the lawn, plants or path. Keep the puppy away from treated areas. This applies tonewly chipped bark mulch. This can be harmful to dogs.Make sure you have a suitable puppy harness and leash for your puppy. A harness is oftenbetter for a puppy in the first weeks than a conventional collar. It gives you something to grabhold of if the puppy makes a run for it and it is more comfortable for puppy. Get your puppy usedto a collar gradually.You new puppy will need several short walks every day. It does not need long walks. Somebreeds of dog have joints that are particularly susceptible to damage and they should not walktoo far when they are young. The main purpose of the walks at this stage is to accustom thepuppy to going to the toilet outside. Always go equipped with a pooper scoop so that you canclean up afterwards. Dog feces can transmit worms that are harmful to children.Inside the house you may consider getting a puppy pen. This is somewhat like a plan pen forpuppies. It will help keep the puppy out of danger when you are cooking or doing otherhousehold tasks. It also offers the puppy a quiet place to rest away from the hurly burly of familylife.
The Many Sizes Of Poodles
By AdySnake
Poodles are an enormously popular breed of dog and rightly so. They have enormousadvantages as a pet.The poodle is an intelligent animal that enjoys the company of human beings and adapts well tourban life. Perhaps its main advantage for the modern pet owner is that it comes in a wide rangeof sizes. A toy poodle can be the ideal for an apartment dweller who needs a small dog.As a result the poodle has become the archetypical lap dog. But in fact the poodle is an ancientworking dog. Records suggest that it many have been first bred in Ancient Egypt where it wasused as a herd dog and hunting dog.Images survive from Egypt which show poodles participating in drag net hunting, retrieving birdsfor hunters and herding cattle. The Ancient Egyptians may even have begun to breed differentsizes of poodle. So the great variety of poodle sizes may go back a long way in history.Small poodles are not necessarily a recent innovation. That may be why the keep so much ofthe character of the larger dogs. They are brave, bright animals that are learn quickly, butquickly get bored. This is still the profile of working animal rather than a lap dog.The American Kennel Club (AKC) recognizes three sizes of poodle: the standard, the miniatureand the toy. The types are determined by the dog's shoulder height. A standard poodle shouldbe more than fifteen inches high at the shoulder. Miniature poodles must be less than 15 inchesbut more than ten inches at the shoulder. Toy poodles should be under ten inches high at theshoulder.Some breeders have recently begun to offer what they call teacup poodles. These grow toabout eight inches in height. They are not yet recognized by the AKC but they are proving to bevery popular with dog owners. They are much sought after and command high prices. They suitthe modern trend for very small dogs. Dogs of this size can be easily carried about town. Theyhave become something of a fashion statement.Many people are attracted to poodles in the first place because they are a nonshedding dog.That is to say they do not leave hairs all over the house. They shed some hairs but not as muchas other breeds of dog. This is an advantage to allergy sufferers in particular. It can also beadvantage if a dog owner does not want the hassle of constant cleaning of carpets andupholstery.Poodles also appeal to many people because their coats can be clipped into a variety ofattractive forms. All Sizes of poodle can be clipped in the same way. Poodles were first clippedin this way when they were used as gun dogs that would leap into the water after ducks that hadbeen shot by hunters.There are various styles of clip. Some are suitable for the show dog and require a lot ofmaintenance. Others are suitable for the general pet owner and are more practical.
Non-Shedding Dog Breeds
By AdySnake
All dogs shed their coats just like humans shed their hair but some dogs shed less hair thanothers. If you find dog hair on the carpet is a nuisance or you have an allergy then one of thebreeds of dog that are regarded as non shedding may be the one for you.There are a number to choose from. One of the best known and most popular is the poodle.They come in a number of sizes but they all the same breed. The full-sized poodle is amagnificent animal especially when their coat is cut in the traditional style. They were originallybred as hunting dogs. Their curly coat was an advantage when they went into the water. Theyare bold, courageous animals at their best. They like lots of exercise and should beprofessionally clipped. If you dislike the pom pom style of poosle clipping then you can let thecoat grow naturally. But it is still best to clip them around the eyes or they can get infected. Theircoat will also need clipping in warm summer weather because it can become uncomfortable hot.The smaller poodles may be better if you have limited space. The large ones need lots ofexercise. A toy or miniature poodle is an ideal house dog. Their coats can be clipped in thesame as way as the large poodles. All poodles get excited by noise and commotion. They canbe highly strung around children especially if they have not become accustomed to them froman early age.Another good option for a non shedding dog is the cockapoo. This is a cross between theAmerican spaniel and the poodle. They are usually good with children and are very playful andloyal. But they need a lot of grooming. This is an intelligent, small dog that makes a good familypet. It does not need as much exercise as a large dog.The Italian greyhound is a good choice for anyone who wants a non shedding dog. They are asmall version of the racing greyhound and very elegant. They have a gentle nature but tend tobe timid. They prefer a quiet household with no children. Since their coat is sleek they requirevery little grooming. Despite their athletic build they do not need as much exercise as somedogs.A more rambunctious choice for a lively family dog might be the Airedale terrier. These dogshave a short, wiry coat. They are extremely active dogs that love to play with children so long asthe children have been taught to treat them with respect. They are very loyal and will defendtheir families to the death. While they respond to training they are very self-willed and need firmdiscipline. Like all terriers they are highly intelligent which makes them great pets in theappropriate context.
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