Lesser-Known Dog Breeds

Dogs come in many shapes and sizes. They are one of the varied species on the planet. Allthese different kinds of dog originated from the wolf. It is almost impossible to believe it but thePekinese is more closely related to the wolf than is the German Shepherd.This great variety of dogs results from selective breeding over millennia. For centuries humanbeings have been choosing those characteristics in dogs that they found desirable for somereason. Dogs have been selected for their small size so that they fit down badger hole or makelap dogs. They have been selected for their large size so that they can act as guard dogs andshepherd dogs. They have been selected for thick coats in cold climates or to be almosthairless.The dog is one of the oldest of domesticated animals and over the many centuries that theyhave lived and worked with humans they have played many roles. Consequently, there areinnumerable breeds of dog. They have been bred to meet the requirements of differentoccupations and to meet the aesthetic standards of different societies.Often toy breeds have been developed from working dogs. The Affenpinscher is an example ofthis. It is a toy version of the pinscher and schnauzer family. It makes a good family pet becauseof its affectionate nature. This is a highly intelligent dog that is highly trainable. The coat is wiryand usually dark in color.The Anatolian Shepherd is less well known than the familiar German Shepherd. But its strongbuild and courageous nature makes it an ideal security or hunting dog.The Basenji or African Hunting Dog is a silent dog. It has been bred to have no bark so that itdoes not disturb game. It is not a particularly affectionate animal but will become accustomed topeople if handled from an early age.A very different kind of dog is the Bouvier des Flandres. This dog was bred as a herd dog inFrance. It looks somewhat like a terrier. But it has a placed nature. The coat is rough andusually dark in color. They are often used in police work or as a guide dog for the visuallyimpaired. They are intelligent and respond well to training.The Ovtcharka from Central Asia is a large dog that has been used for herding. It has a fearlessnature and is very brave. They usually have their ears and tails docked when they are puppies.From Poland comes the Owczarek Nizinny which is a medium sized dog. Its coat is long andoften covers its eyes. They make excellent pets but hate to be left alone for long as they arevery social.

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