Caring For Dogs That Are Hypoallergenic For Humans

Hypoallergenic dog breeds are the most suitable for people who are allergic to dog dander andfur. Some of the more popular hypoallergenic dog breeds include terrier, basenji, bichon frise,poodle, Chinese crested, greyhound, havanese, Irish water spaniel, and shih Tzu.While they do produce some dander, the dander of hypoallergenic dogs is little enough to createminimal discomfort for those who come in contact with them. There are many breeds ofhypoallergenic dog. Many of them are miniatures or toys that have lots of energy and may havedifficult temperaments for the more sedate dog owner.Nonetheless, even the allergic dog owner can follow a few simple steps to limit discomfort andenjoy your life with your furry companion. These tips will also generally apply to any householdwelcoming a new dog into its family, especially the hypoallergenic dog breeds.A new dog (no matter how old) may well be frightened during its first hours and days in yourhouse. Hypoallergenic dog breeds tend to be a bit more nervous than others. It may notwelcome human contact at first, so you should refrain from handling them too much the first fewdays. Be attentive, but don't smother them with affection. Let them acclimate to their new house.Just let your new dog roam around the house, sniff the furniture, and find its way around.When your new hypoallergenic dog becomes accustomed to its new surroundings, begin agrooming routine to reduce the amount of dander and fur that might otherwise settle on yourfurniture, carpets, and clothing. In addition to reducing your danger of allergic reactions, regularbrushing will reduce matting and knots that make your hypoallergenic dog uncomfortable andunattractive. A steel comb with wide teeth will help untangle knots and trap loose hair. It'simportant not to let your hypoallergenic dog's skin get too dry with all the brushing andgrooming. You can find products at the pet store or through your veterinarian that will helpreduce skin problems.Giving your hypoallergenic dog plenty of exercise will also reduce your risk of allergic reaction.First, the fresh air will help keep its fur free of dander. Second, when your dog is tired andsleeps all night, it will be less likely to want your company while you sleep, spending less timeHow To Take Care Of Your Dog’s Health© Wings Of Success Page 18 of 79on your bed to leave dander and fur on your bedspread and sheets. Regular, frequent cleaningof your sheets and bedspread will also reduce your discomfort.Make sure your hypoallergenic dog has a special place of its own to sleep, day and night. A softbed or an old blanket will give them a warm, secure spot for sleeping. Wash their pet bed oftenso that dander and fur don't build up to a dangerous level where it can easily transfer to yourcarpet or clothing.You can't avoid some allergens from being present in your home, even with a hypoallergenicdog breed, so it's important to keep your home well-vacuumed and clean at all times to maintainyour good health as well.Regular grooming is perhaps more important for hypoallergenic dog breeds than for others,especially when you have allergies to your baby. Even dogs with short hair need regularprofessional grooming. For people with allergies, monthly baths are a must! This will not onlyprotect you from allergies, but it will assure your hypoallergenic dog a long, happy, healthy life.Remember that even hypoallergenic dog breeds can still cause allergy attacks now and then.Be sure you visit your doctor when you get your dog and continue to follow your personalpreventive routine to prevent serious problems with your allergies.

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